Our endorsed candidates


She the People is proud to endorse these incredible women of color running for office in 2022. Our work is about building a coalition of women, who, for far too long, have been impacted most by our country’s greatest challenges, yet overlooked and underserved by our government leaders. It’s about creating space for women of color in politics, at every level, so that our issues and our voices will finally be addressed, heard and represented. 

The stakes have never been higher. Women of color have never been more prepared to lead. 

From Senate seats to local elections, women of color are running in historic numbers. These races are what will motivate women of color voters — the largest growing voter bloc than any other group in the country—because we know that women of color candidates are ready to lead on issues we most care about: social justice, immigration policies, equity in health care and education, police accountability. 

This is the new squad. Together we’re ready to occupy seats of power throughout the country and energized by our beliefs in democracy, justice, and service.